Hear from our fulfilled clients about their journey with health coaching at Christine Jantz Wellness.


“Before I started working with Christine, I wasn’t very aware of the type of foods I was eating and hardly went a day where I would eat a balanced meal. I did not put a lot of importance on the foods I was eating, so I felt tired and low energy all the time. I was constantly wishing I had more energy and felt better throughout the day.  

I was hoping that Christine could guide me in making better food and life choices to increase my energy and mood throughout the day. I was hoping she could give me the information I needed to make better overall life choices, so that I could get the most out of every day. Christine did just that and more! 

She was so helpful at guiding me in my health journey and getting me on the right track. She met me where I was at and we started with small attainable goals that I know I could handle – for example, start each day with a healthy breakfast. She then would give me tons of suggestions on different things I could eat in the morning, so that I wouldn’t get sick of eating the same things every day. Every week she would help me produce small, yet impactful goals to attain. Christine held me accountable every week, but never made me feel bad if I didn’t quite get to where I wanted to be that week. 

Our time together was truly a partnership and I know she wanted me to succeed just as much as I wanted myself to succeed. Christine does a great job of making you think outside the box and allows you to come to conclusions on your health journey on your own, but with her subtle guidance. She was the perfect partner for me in my journey and I cannot thank her enough for all her guidance and support throughout the process. My life has improved immensely because now I am making better choices on the food I am eating and the meals I am consuming. I have more energy because I have a better morning routine that Christine helped me to create and stick to. I have removed unhealthy products/toxins from my home that were terrible for my family. All these things would not have been possible without Christine’s expert guidance and knowledge. I am so grateful for our time together – it has completely changed my life for the better!”


"She was the perfect partner for me in my journey and I cannot thank her enough for all her guidance and support throughout the process."

“Before I started my journey with Christine, I had been to several doctors trying to figure out why I always felt so bad. My whole body felt bad. I was always tired, my legs always hurt, I was always bloated, I couldn’t think straight, I felt depressed, I gained a lot of weight, my confidence had gone down the drain. I really just felt hopeless that I was never going to feel like my happy, spunky, positive self ever again. The doctors just wanted me to take medicine for my thyroid or get me on anxiety/depression pills. I actually did start thyroid medication and it was a nightmare. My body did not take well to it and it made me feel worse. I decided to get off the medication myself and explore other options.

I knew I had to make major lifestyle changes. Working out and eating healthy had gone by the wayside a long time ago and I didn’t know how to start back up without it being completely overwhelming. I was looking for someone to be patient with me and to listen to me and to take what I was feeling and saying and help me figure out a plan that worked for me. That’s when I was blessed with meeting Christine!

I loved everything about our time together! Christine truly changed my life. She motivated me, listened to me, and was so patient, kind, and knowledgeable. I learned so much about about what my body truly needed in a natural and healthy way. She guided me in starting a whole new lifestyle and diet that I never would have done on my own. She helped me with my grocery lists, meal planning, foods to incorporate in my diet and foods to stay away from. She taught me breathing exercises for when I would feel anxious and overwhelmed. I learned a whole new great lifestyle from her and I’m forever grateful!

Everything in my life has improved because of my coaching with Christine. I found balance physically and mentally. I’m exercising at least 3 times per week. I make a weekly calendar of all my meals. I do breathing exercises throughout the day and make sure I sit down for at least 5 minutes a day to write down goals and things that I’m thankful for. Christine taught me to believe in myself and that I can make good, thoughtful decisions on my overall health. Christine has truly been a blessing in my life.”


"Everything in my life has improved because of my coaching with Christine. I found balance physically and mentally. "

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